About Us
We seek to defend human life from conception to its natural end by finding support for those expecting a child or recovering from an abortion and educating the public about the risks involved in contraception, abortion and euthanasia.
Being the Change
We are living in a time when life does not receive the proper dignity and respect that it should. Some people believe that abortion, contraception and euthanasia are simply choices that do not affect the global value of life in all of its stages. We think differently. If you are pregnant and looking for choices other than abortion; if you are trying to recover from an abortion and don't know where to turn; or if you are struggling with pain and suffering and think that euthanasia is your only way out, know that there is help. This site serves to connect you to those organizations that can help. You can also speak to any of our team if you wish to find out what you can do to live a life without compromise, shame or undue suffering.
What We Do
- Community Education
- Resource Centre Provision
- Patrick Webb Essay Competition
- North Shore Prolife Newsletter
- Fundraising and support for other local pro-life organizations
Our History
The pro-life movement on the North Shore started in opposition to the 1969 criminal code amendment that legalized abortion in Canada, called the Onmibus Bill. Lions Gate Hospital started performing abortions shortly after the Bill was passed. A group organized on the North Shore to ensure pro-life representation was present on the Lions Gate Hospital board. In 1972 the group succeeded by ensuring the election of 3 pro-life candidates. However, in the late 1970’s hospital board membership became a government appointment and was no longer voted on by community members. During this time the North Shore Pro-life Society was established and opened an office on the North Shore. Many original members are around to this day and continue to work diligently to draw attention to the horrors of abortion and to challenge the apathy that has been around since 1969.